Feb 25, 2021
Choose to be triggered and embrace the possibility of being wrong. It’s the only way we grow! Our guest, Mitch DeArmon, delivers the brutal truth on topics including emotional expression, masculine responsibility, and individual vs. collective service. Earned through age and experience, Mitch’s sage perspective...
Feb 22, 2021
Why is our society so afraid of death? Making peace with our mortality is required for living a full life - one filled with risks, appreciation, and abundance. Don’t avoid life’s heavy questions, choose courage and face off with death!
Show Notes:
Feb 18, 2021
Creating sexual polarity isn’t complicated. It’s about anchoring clear boundaries, prioritizing presence, and wielding the gifts of the masculine in an authentic, honorable way. Our guest, Madelyn Moon, masterfully articulates how to connect and captivate women without any phoniness. She is a walking permission slip...
Feb 15, 2021
If you say you want something, but aren’t taking action towards it, do you really want it? It's a hard truth to take in, but Jeddy shares the cure in today’s heavy-hitting Monday Morning Meditation.
Show Notes:
Feb 11, 2021
What does raw, unadulterated brotherhood look like? You won’t know until you depart your comfort zone and connect with the timeless masculine intelligence. As a key member of the Rising Man leadership team and disciple of ancient and wild ways, Shawn Berry is able to verbalize nature’s teachings and share profound...