Jun 28, 2021
What difficult conversation have you been putting off? Despite the fears about what may happen or what someone will think, talking it out is the only way to feel free and expressed. Listen in as Jeddy highlights the benefits of addressing vulnerable topics and overcoming discomfort.
Jun 24, 2021
Nine years ago, substance abuse and self isolation ran Zach Carlsen’s life. Through his recovery journey, he learned the skills and mindsets needed for a potent life and now teaches other men the principles. This episode is dedicated to all those struggling with depression, addiction, and any type of discontent. We...
Jun 21, 2021
“I’ve chosen this path so that I can better understand this pain, empowering me to be there for others.”
Feeling unlovable, unfixable, and permanently messed up is extremely common among men. There is a way through this pain, and it requires emotional honesty, self-love, and brotherhood. Jeddy delivers a soulful...
Jun 17, 2021
Fully processing our emotions and grief requires complete honesty. With the rise of positive-all-the-time spiritual influencers, Stephen Jenkinson’s message is a heartfelt reminder that reality is preferable to false hope. As an accomplished author, speaker, musician, and storyteller, Stephen’s sage wisdom around...
Jun 14, 2021
How can we create a more rehabilitative system for handling personal failures and mistakes? In between condoning and condemning, there’s a middle way where we can hold loving accountability for transgressors. We all contribute to these societal patterns with our words and actions, so let’s get clear on the better...