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The Rising Man Podcast

Welcome to “The Rising Man Podcast,” a platform where amazing men from all walks of life come to share their personal stories about the journey from boy to man, the challenges, triumphs, and insights they’ve experienced, and what they’ve learned along the way. Here we dive deep into masculine culture to identify what it really means to be a man in the modern world and to extract tips and tools to help EVERY man rise into greatness and become the man he is destined to be.

Aug 26, 2024

In Series One, Episode One of the Rising Man Podcast, Jeddy Azuma highlights the importance of setting and maintaining high standards within a men's team to build trust and accountability. He shares a powerful story about enforcing team commitments, demonstrating how upholding standards strengthens the group's integrity...

Aug 19, 2024

Series One of the Rising Man Podcast kicks off with Jeddy Azuma discussing the need to rebuild trust in men, addressing issues like violence and a lack of integrity that have damaged the reputation of all men. He emphasizes the importance of men mastering their emotions, standing by their word, and protecting those they...

Aug 5, 2024

Jeddy Azuma explores the idea that relationships and skills are even more valuable than food and water. He emphasizes that while food and water are essential for survival, relationships and skills are the means by which we obtain and sustain these necessities. Relationships, built on trust, are fundamental to networking...