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The Rising Man Podcast

Welcome to “The Rising Man Podcast,” a platform where amazing men from all walks of life come to share their personal stories about the journey from boy to man, the challenges, triumphs, and insights they’ve experienced, and what they’ve learned along the way. Here we dive deep into masculine culture to identify what it really means to be a man in the modern world and to extract tips and tools to help EVERY man rise into greatness and become the man he is destined to be.

Jul 22, 2019

Has men’s work gotten too soft? One of the greatest gifts we can provide for another man is to give honest feedback, to ask piercing and uncomfortable questions. Too often we give feedback aimed to make the other person feel better in the short term, rather than empowering them to higher heights. Prepare your community for life’s inevitable challenges by listening to their circumstantial complaints, and then call on them to be the solution.


Show Notes:

  • Has men’s work gotten too soft? Where is the razor’s edge variety of love?
  • This edgy, brutally honest style of men’s work can be uncomfortable at first
  • The gentle, compassionate angle is just as important, but don’t let that be the only card in your hand.
  • Fathering Men - preparing each other for the world’s challenges by applying pressure and calling one another forward.
  • Confrontation amongst men is what makes us sharp
  • You have a responsibility to the people in your life to speak the truth
  • Don’t say something just to make someone feel better, say the hard truth that no one else will tell them.


Reflection Questions: 


  • Do you have men in your life that give you the truth, even when it hurts?
  • Do you choose the “nice guy” comment over the uncomfortable truth?
  • Do you feel a resistance to this edgy and piercing style of communication and leadership?


Rising Man Links:


IGNITE your raw masculine power as we learn the HAKA, a ceremonial Maori war dance. Be one of the 100 men to perform the dance on Saturday September 7th in Venice Beach, LA. Click here for more info!

Join the RMP Fire Circle, complete with monthly calls and a private community for those ready to dive deep. All newcomers are welcome to their first call free of charge!

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Facebook @JeddyAzuma