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The Rising Man Podcast

Welcome to “The Rising Man Podcast,” a platform where amazing men from all walks of life come to share their personal stories about the journey from boy to man, the challenges, triumphs, and insights they’ve experienced, and what they’ve learned along the way. Here we dive deep into masculine culture to identify what it really means to be a man in the modern world and to extract tips and tools to help EVERY man rise into greatness and become the man he is destined to be.

May 31, 2018

How do you become a “man”? And, what does that even mean? The absence of cultural practices that signify a boy’s passage into manhood has left our entire generation in search of a new way to define ourselves as “men”. Joshua Hathaway explains the how the absence of rites of passage in our culture has created...

May 24, 2018

What happens when you combine purpose, essence, and magic together within the same person? According to David Lion - master illusionist, mentalist, and hypnotist - you find the core of your being and the source from which you can be of service to others. In this episode, we draw distinctions between the light and...

May 17, 2018

Discovering and living into our highest purpose is the signature journey of a man. This pathway into our purpose is paved with challenge and adversity, overcoming our own limiting beliefs, the external opinions and influences of society, and the many distractions that can cause us to lose our way. Evan Lagace brings his...

May 10, 2018

Much of what we suffer from is related directly to NOT taking responsibility for our circumstances. What if YOU were both the cause AND the solution to every challenge in your life? This week’s guest, Adam Roa, talks about taking radical ownership of your life and everything in it. As a creative artist,...

May 3, 2018

Learning how to engage with and rise above adversity is an essential skill for winning in life. However, many men still choose escape rather than stepping up to break through life’s challenges. Cam Adair - founder of, international speaker, YouTuber, and researcher - believes the fear of failure is at...