Nov 29, 2018
In our high paced world filled with social media, work, and errands to run, being present can seem impossible. Our guest, Inner Guide adept Tom Shelstad introduces us to the magic that unfolds once we allow the Still Space into our days. This journey into stillness makes it easier to truly Be Seen, which unlocks freedom...
Nov 26, 2018
We all have our struggles, fears, vices, and dragons to slay. It’s vital to remember that we are stepping up and facing these issues head on not only for ourselves, but for our sons and future generations. Learn to view this as an opportunity, not a burden, on this week’s Monday Morning Meditation.
Nov 22, 2018
An initiated man is in touch with his North Star. Such a man expresses his life with honor and alignment to his Vision. One of the vital components of initiation includes membership with a male-only group using time tested agreements and structures. Our guest, Kevin Oroszlán, has gathered wisdom from traditions around...
Nov 19, 2018
We often get engrossed in a project or relationship and lose sight of what matters most. By taking a mini vacation and re-evaluating our direction, we gain clarity and peace of mind. When we focus on our foundation, we simplify our lives and live from our truth.
Nov 15, 2018
The personal growth space is rapidly expanding as humans around the world want to become better versions of themselves. In this pursuit, we often burn ourselves out as we ignore the cyclical nature of life. Our guest, Matthew Cooke, offers his wisdom on sustainable high performance practices including body movement...