Mar 30, 2020
Our modern world is almost completely mechanized, automated, and sterilized. This has an overwhelmingly negative effect on our mental and physical health. We’ve grown accustomed to our convenient, instant gratification lifestyles but yet our hearts and hands yearn for the natural world. Listen in and learn to embrace...
Mar 26, 2020
Alex Levy is ultra important to the RMP, as he is our first gay guest and member of our Fire Circle Community. His sexual orientation has given him a unique and valuable glimpse into masculine culture. Regardless of our identities, there are areas in our lives where we feel inadequate and shame for not fitting in. Alex...
Mar 23, 2020
In a time where everything feels out of our control, reminding ourselves of all the areas where we hold power is paramount to being an upstanding Man. Our attitude towards inconveniences amid these shifting circumstances is firmly in our hands. Even if we falter, let’s have the courage to snap back to our...
Mar 19, 2020
Mark Winkler has been working with at-risk youth, connecting fathers, and uplifting the masculine for decades. We are honored to have him here, championing fatherhood and all those dedicated to serving future generations. There are countless young adults and children struggling due to a lack of positive male role...
Mar 16, 2020
It’s time to re-evaluate our relationship with fear. Fear is part of the human experience, and by wishing it away, we miss out on it’s gifts. Jeddy shares from the heart and explains why viewing fear as a good thing is supremely beneficial. This shift in perception does not happen overnight, so patience and...