Oct 29, 2020
As the founder of the Rising Woman platform, Sheleana Aiyana has been a way-shower for millions of women. Her daily posts on topics such as conscious relationships, feminine embodiment, and shadow work are wildly insightful and impactful. In this meeting between Rising Man & Woman, we get to the heart of the blockages...
Oct 26, 2020
The greatest and most joyous life experiences require time and effort. Hard work gets a bad rap, but a healthy perspective is possible - as you’ll learn in this episode. Are you an active participant in building a life of abundance, or are you perpetuating stale cycles by expecting change to just happen?
Oct 22, 2020
There’s an important story that no one in the men’s work community is talking about. Our two guests, Taylor Houchens and James Panther, address taboo topics and express their vulnerable truths in this hugely helpful episode. We identify the areas that are plaguing men - including isolation, suppression, and fear of...
Oct 19, 2020
All too often, we mistake some influencer’s or coach’s opinion as the TRUTH. Relying on external sources for truth has its drawbacks, which you’ll learn in this episode. Listen in, as Jeddy encourages us to reclaim our throne as the author of our own realities.
Show Notes:
Oct 15, 2020
Ryan Yokome is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation. After nearly committing suicide, Ryan reclaimed his inner courageous & loving nature by co-creating an abundant life complete with a wife, child, and a successful business. Ryan shares grounded wisdom derived from his experience...