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The Rising Man Podcast

Welcome to “The Rising Man Podcast,” a platform where amazing men from all walks of life come to share their personal stories about the journey from boy to man, the challenges, triumphs, and insights they’ve experienced, and what they’ve learned along the way. Here we dive deep into masculine culture to identify what it really means to be a man in the modern world and to extract tips and tools to help EVERY man rise into greatness and become the man he is destined to be.

Sep 29, 2022

“There’s nothing inspiring about living up to someone else’s blueprint”

Every man must create his unique model of what it means to be an upstanding man and father! We can use other men as examples, but ultimately we know our gifts and weaknesses better than anyone else. Fam Life host Phil Gomez breaks down the 5...

Sep 26, 2022

“Self-worth is an inside game”

There’s a subconscious belief that we need to work ourselves down to the bone to achieve our dreams. Sure, there’s a time to put in hard work but finding ease and flow in our lives is KEY to sustainable joy. Men generally struggle with receiving - so listen in and learn how to...

Sep 22, 2022

“We are evolutionarily hardwired to live in TRIBE & SERVICE”

Jason Bluett is the founder of Primal Man Project, a men’s organization helping men live life by their natural design. Modernity has given us incredible power yet our species isn’t thriving in body, mind, nor spirit. Jason and Jeddy explore WHERE...

Sep 19, 2022

“Have I taken correct and decisive actions in alignment with my values?”

Dignity is built by throwing yourself out into the world, knowing deep down that YOU have your back. Honoring your word and demonstrating integrity generates confidence, and is a practice. It starts with internal alignment - listen in for ways...

Sep 15, 2022

“There is a way to be in the ebb and flow so that we FEEL THE ABUNDANCE”

Every Autumnal transition offers a golden opportunity to allow what doesn’t work to fall away. This time of the year has vital ancestral and indigenous significance, as they lived in greater recognition of their terrestrial connections. While...