Oct 30, 2023
“Remember there's always a solution, a possibility, even in the face of adversity”
Sports have a way of getting us to emotionally invest - including dramatic storylines, championship dreams, and inspirational peak performances. So much so that when your team loses or an athlete gets injured you'll see memes...
Oct 23, 2023
“The standards are the value of men's work”
A standard is the metric we use to establish what one is committed to deliver. We all commit to being on time, ect. In order for us to help each other grow it is imperative to set the standards high even though we may fall short sometimes. No one is perfect but what...
Oct 20, 2023
“I really try to protect my soul life so that when I’m sitting in front of somebody they can feel that there is room to move - like running through a garden as opposed to the chaos of a city ”
Very few can speak with poetic lucidity like today’s guest Richard Palmer. His curiosity and love for life’s...
Oct 16, 2023
“You can be assertive without being an asshole”
We have all been the Mr. Nice Guy at one point or another, getting walked on by others and living in fear of rejection. There is skill and tact when it comes to being effective with establishing your boundaries. On one hand is assertiveness, which is precise like an...
Oct 9, 2023
“The people who are leaders in the community are the ones who are grounded in who they are.”
Picture yourself in a vast field, put a lot of people in this field standing there with a circle around them. You look down at yourself and notice you have a circle around you too. Notice how everyone's circle looks a...